Calvary Chapel




We are an independent "Gathering" of believers that is in association with Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and the hundreds of Calvary Chapels across the United States and the world.  The early history of Calvary Chapel goes back to the Jesus movement of the 60's and 70's. The Lord used Pastor Chuck Smith who began to pastor a small church in Costa Mesa, CA. His commitment to teach God's word and to demonstrate the grace of God was used to reach the hippies of Southern California. We continue to emphasize a systematic teaching of God's word and a sharing of God's grace at Calvary Chapel Perris Valley.

When reading the Gospels, Jesus expresses the simplicity of life with God.  From His definition of eternal life as an intimate and personal relationship with God and His Son Jesus Christ (John 17:3), to His reciting of the Greatest Commandment to love God and others (Matthew 22:37-40), to His mission of reaching the world (Acts 1:8), He revealed  just how close God is. Therefore, we believe that our purpose is to facilitate opportunity for you to KNOW God and His Son Jesus Christ, to GROW in His Truth and Grace, and be prepared by His Holy Spirit to GO serve and share with others the saving life you have received.

Place •times

3060 Barrett Ave., Perris CA 92571


Sunday Morning Gatherings: 

9:00AM & 10:30AM*

*Spanish Translation Available

Monday Women’s Discipleship

6:00pm before study, Learn More

Monday Women’s Bible Study

July 1st- Sept. 23rd @ 7:00pm

Wednesday Gathering: 

7PM in Sanctuary

Spanish Ministry in Classroom

Friday Jr. High & High School Study:

7PM to 9PM in Sanctuary

Contact Youth Leader for more info

Saturday Men’s Morning Meet-up

8am on the 4th Saturday each month check events page


You will find that we are not formal as a church and even as other Calvary Chapels. We believe scripture is clear that the church is not a structure or an organization but a body of all who have believed in the Lord Jesus. This is why we identify our meetings as Gatherings.

As the Church we gather for fellowship with one another, join in worship to God and engage to receive from God’s word. So when you arrive, expect to participate in fellowship with the congregation. Worship in song will commence after a time in fellowship.


Our pastor has sought to follow the example of Christ in his style of teaching. Our receiving God’s word is interactive as he leads us through the text with questions and discussion to induce inquiry and reasoning of the text. His style facilitates opportunity to discover God’s truth together and to personally hear from God.

We suggest listening to pastor Bob’s Revolution Series to learn more of how Jesus engaged this world.


Men’s Discipleship - Learn More

Women’s Discipleship - Learn More

Discipleship School - Learn More