Pastor Benz is sharing from Acts 21:1-30, “Disturbance in Jerusalem- Pt.1” this morning, message titles . To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website
Wednesday Gathering, Proverbs 20:16-30, 4-19-23
Pastor Benz is sharing from the book of Proverbs, focusing on Chapter 20: 16-30. Tonight we look at the lives of the lazy and the diligent. As well as discussing the topics of wisdom and knowledge. To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website
Sunday Gathering, Acts 20:17-38 "Goodbye to the Ephesians"
Pastor Benz is sharing from Acts 20:17-38, “Ephesians” this morning, message titles . To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website
Wednesday Gathering, Proverbs 20:1-15, 4/12/23
Pastor Benz is sharing from the book of Proverbs, focusing on Chapter 20: 1-15. Tonight we look at the lives of the lazy and the diligent. As well as discussing the topics of wisdom and knowledge. To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website