This morning Pastor Benz shares from Romans 1:1-15 “Introduction & Greeting, To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website
Wednesday Gathering, 8-23-23, Proverbs 24:23-34
Pastor Benz is sharing from the book of Proverbs, focusing on Chapter 24:23-34. Tonight we discuss the topics of wisdom and knowledge. To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website
Sunday Gathering, James 1 "Doers of the Word of God", 8/20/23
his morning Doug shares a message, James 1 “Doers of the Word of God”. To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website
Wednesday, Mark 4:21-41, "Jesus, The Illustrator of Truth Pt.2" 8/16/23
Today, Daniel Diaz is sharing from the book of Mark Chapter 4:21-41 Tonight we discuss the some of the parables that Jesus spoke to the crowd. To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website