Pastor Benz is sharing from the book of Proverbs, focusing on Chapter 30:11-19. To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website
Sunday Gathering, 12-3-23, Genesis 39:1-23, "Joseph: The Vessel that God Uses"
This morning Bobby Vargas shares from Genesis 39:1-23, “Joseph: The Vessel that God Uses”. To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website
Sunday Gathering, 11-26-23, Romans 5:1-11, "Reconciliation and Peace"
This morning Pastor Benz shares from Romans 5:1-11. To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website
Sunday Gathering, 11-19-23, Isaiah 6:1-8 "Holy"
This morning Pastor Benz shares from Isaiah 6:1-8 “Holy.” To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website