Pastor Benz continues in the book of Job tonight focusing on chapter 2. He shares about Job’s faith and how we should respond when enduring struggles in life. To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website
Sunday Gathering, 2/11/24, Luke 18:18-23 & Luke 19:1-9, "A Matter of the Heart"
This morning Mario Arenales shares from Luke 18:18-23 & Luke 19:1-9, “A Matter of the Heart”. To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website
Sunday Gathering, February 4, 2024, Romans 6:15-23 "Our Sin But God's Gift"
Part 1
Part 2
This morning Pastor Benz shares from Romans 6:15-23 “ Our Sin But God’s Gift”. To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website (NOTE: Due to an unexpected internet failure, the video had to be split into two. Sorry for the inconvenience.)
Wednesday Gathering, 1-31-24, Job 1
Pastor Benz starts the book of Job tonight. He shares an insightful intro and the covers the first chapter. To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website