CCPV Youth Group
Our Youth Group currently meets in-person Fridays from 7PM - 9PM. If you would like information on how to join us please contact Pastor Benz at (951) 616-0022. Call to be added onto our online meetings and click the button below to connect. We also meet in-person Sundays at 9AM and 10:30AM.
Note: Our church uses WebEx to connect. WebEx may need to be downloaded and installed in order to join. It is a free app and the link will prompt you once clicked.

Teen Ministry Philosophy
CCPV’s Youth Group approach is simple: To disciple our young people in God’s Word with the goal of establishing a firm, personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. This is in harmony with Jesus’ command to disciple all nations. (Matthew 28)
Friday Night Youth Group
Middle School and High School students (6th - 12th grade) meet each Friday night from 7PM to 9PM. Our nights consist of a time of worship and prayer followed by time spent in God’s Word. We continue each week through the Bible, verse by verse followed by a time of fellowship where teens have the freedom to interact and hang out with their brothers and sisters in Christ.
Sunday Morning Youth Group
Middle School and High School students meet simultaneously alongside each Sunday morning gathering at 9AM and 10:30AM in the Youth Room located across from the Sanctuary. Our Sunday mornings consist of time spent in God’s Word where we also welcome interaction and questions. Like our Friday Night studies, students receive through the Bible, verse by verse teaching of the Word of God. There is also plenty of time for prayer and fellowship towards the end of our study time.
Social Media
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @ccpvyouthgroup. We often post announcements, events and updates on our Social Media pages, so please check in regularly. Below are some of our posts.
Meet The Youth Leader
Daniel Diaz
As a former teen in the youth group, Daniel was introduced to Christ through the youth ministry at Calvary Chapel Perris Valley. Through the years, God has taken him through an internship at the church, where he became involved in leadership and has faithfully served alongside his wife Kaitlyn. He listens to many genres of Christian music and loves sports and comic book films, especially Batman. You can follow him on Facebook and Instagram.