Haiti Missions Trip Day 3

Day 3 began the same way day 2 started with breakfast followed by a devotional by our brother Nolan.  Soon after our devotional we had a study session with the students of the training center. The subject at hand was the “Inductive Bible Study.” It was a great opportunity for us to be able to share a little of our knowledge on the subject with them and how important this training is since they are just  beginning their 3 years here at the Haiti Bible Training Center. 

After the session with the students we got back to work on the benches and the water heater platform, we completed one of the benches and started taking apart another one, of course we were careful to save the screws as we took them out because, we can’t just run to the hardware store and get more, There isn’t a “Home-depot “ here plus there’s a strike and the stores are not open. There was a lot of talk of riots that were supposed to happen but its been really quite. Actually there’s little traffic on the streets since there’s is no gas in the island, literally no gas. Thankfully, the Lord prompted Pastor Brian to have the guys from the training center fill 30 5 gallon jugs with gasoline before they ran out and that’s what they have been using to move around town.

While we were in class with the students the ladies were already hard at work moving things around and reorganizing the tool cabinet and getting ready for VBS. When the time came to let the kids in, they were ready and things went smooth as could be, it was obvious that the children had a lot of fun. They learned about Joseph and his visions, they had games and snacks and just had a great time with them. The first day of VBS was a success.

Evening came and we gathered to have dinner and the evening devotional by Pastor Brian, directly after that Pastor Bob had a time with the students on “The Character of a Servant”. By then it was getting late so we shared our experiences and how God spoke to us during the day and lights out. The morning and the evening was the third day.

Mexico trip for November 2021

Were looking forward to going down to Casa Del Pastor on the 19th of November, we will continue the work we began about 4 years ago and are now doing together with Calvary Chapel Moreno Valley, Their Spanish ministry has been a blessing and huge help, we now make more progress and have expanded how we are able to serve the women and the children living at Casa Del Pastor. The mothers and the kids can now get their hair cut and styled, we offer medical services, every month those having a birthday get a present, cake and a whole celebration including lunch for everyone. were also continuing the retrofitting of the rooms with insulation, new paint and flooring. Won’t you pray about being part of our team and allowing God to use you and bless you beyond your imagination. Just click on the missions trip tab for more information.

Haiti Missions Trip 2021 Day 2

After a few hours of sleep we began day 2 of our time here in Haiti with a devotional and breakfast. The ladies here at the bible training center made us a delicious wheat porridge and fresh bananas. Some of us had never had anything like that but we were thankful and actually liked it. Then it was back to work. The guys took apart some benches that needed to be refurbished while the ladies organized the medical cabinet and the stock room. Before we knew it, it was lunch time and time to welcome Jorge as he was reunited with us and greeted by the local children welcoming him like he was a rock star. 

The afternoon brought more work and fellowship here at the training center. The men began working on the kitchen awning that holds the water heater while waiting for the paint to dry on the benches. Neither job was finished but together we made a lot of progress. Meanwhile, the main gate was opened and the local neighborhood children were invited in to be fed. We noticed quickly that most of the children were shoeless so shoes were ordered for them. We were all blessed and moved by what the Lord has been doing and how he has provided for the work being done and the needs that arise. GOD IS FAITHFUL!! If you just come with us you will see firsthand the things that God does when you have no other source to draw from. You HAVE to depend on Him even for the right amount of screws to finish a job.

Haiti Missions trip October 2021

Finally, after a 2 hour delay we left For Lauderdale, Florida on our way to Port-at Prince. Unfortunately, Jorge was left behind because he was having difficulty accessing the results to his COVID test. It was very disappointing for the team to have him stay behind as well as for him. However, God made a way and worked out all the roadblocks for him to be able to join us the very next day because our assurance is in Him and not the situation. Something else we were sure of was that although the situation in Haiti was not stable, and having heard the news of missionaries being kidnapped, there was no way we were going to miss this opportunity to obey the call He put in us to come to Haiti.

We arrived at Toussaint Louverture international airport without incident and were met by Pastor Brian, Watson, MiKenson (who is armed) plus a small army of men. The men quickly took our 14 suitcases filled with supplies and donations for Cross To Light (CTL) ministry. We were also blessed with police officers bringing up the rear of our convoy due to the good relationship they have with CTL ministry. After arriving safely at the Haiti Bible Training Center (which is part of CTL ministry) and getting to know everyone here, we quickly began unpacking and organizing the supplies we brought. After dinner we had some down time and Pastor Brian decided to mount a TV onto a stone and concrete wall for the school, nevertheless Watson, Pastor Brian and I were up until 1:00am. Then we sat back and rejoiced of the accomplishment, now the Haiti Bible Training Center has a large TV that they will be able to use so they can have classes for their remote studies. Sleep tight everyone….day 1


Getting ready to leave CCPV.

Breakfast in Fort Lauderdale

Waiting for the shuttle under the florida rain.

The training center gets a new TV

Our Missions Blog

Before 2019 and the spread of covid we had separate blogs for each country we sent mission teams to or had missionaries serving. You can still read those previous blogs by going to our Mission Page. With countries slowly opening up and travel restrictions lessoning we are again focused on missions. Here you will learn of the latest and upcoming mission trips and missionaries we support..

If you desire to learn of our past trips go to our Mission Page.

If you desire to know more or travel on a mission trip with us contact us HERE.

Take a look at some of the teams that have gone to San Vicente, Mexico this year and the work they have been doing.