Haiti Missions trip October 2021

Finally, after a 2 hour delay we left For Lauderdale, Florida on our way to Port-at Prince. Unfortunately, Jorge was left behind because he was having difficulty accessing the results to his COVID test. It was very disappointing for the team to have him stay behind as well as for him. However, God made a way and worked out all the roadblocks for him to be able to join us the very next day because our assurance is in Him and not the situation. Something else we were sure of was that although the situation in Haiti was not stable, and having heard the news of missionaries being kidnapped, there was no way we were going to miss this opportunity to obey the call He put in us to come to Haiti.

We arrived at Toussaint Louverture international airport without incident and were met by Pastor Brian, Watson, MiKenson (who is armed) plus a small army of men. The men quickly took our 14 suitcases filled with supplies and donations for Cross To Light (CTL) ministry. We were also blessed with police officers bringing up the rear of our convoy due to the good relationship they have with CTL ministry. After arriving safely at the Haiti Bible Training Center (which is part of CTL ministry) and getting to know everyone here, we quickly began unpacking and organizing the supplies we brought. After dinner we had some down time and Pastor Brian decided to mount a TV onto a stone and concrete wall for the school, nevertheless Watson, Pastor Brian and I were up until 1:00am. Then we sat back and rejoiced of the accomplishment, now the Haiti Bible Training Center has a large TV that they will be able to use so they can have classes for their remote studies. Sleep tight everyone….day 1


Getting ready to leave CCPV.

Breakfast in Fort Lauderdale

Waiting for the shuttle under the florida rain.

The training center gets a new TV