
Sunday Gathering, 1 Peter 4, 12-13-20

Pastor Bob teaches on a series of teachings this month on faith in Christ. Today the teaching focuses on the scripture that reveals that true faith can not be exercised with a focus on self and the flesh. We must arm our minds with the same mind as Christ to successfully battle and reckon the old man dead. As we practice, this will result in sincere ministry to one another among the members of the church. 

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Wednesday Gathering, Isaiah 58-59, 12-3-20

Pastor Bob continues his teaching through the book of Isaiah. Isaiah is called upon to speak loud and clear against his people who are at this time close to being released from captivity yet are corrupt and full of religious hypocricy. The words could be spoken today against God's church, to those you profess a belief and go through the religious practices but live their life contrary to God and his word.

Go to to listen to more of pastor Bob's messages and to to elarn more about Calvary Chapel Perris Valley.