Pastor Benz is sharing from Acts 23, “Disturbance in Jerusalem- Pt.3” this morning, message titles . To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website
Wednesday Gathering, 1 Thes. 2:1-12, 5/3/23
Mario Arenales shares from the book of 1 Thessalonians tonight, focusing on how Paul was appointed and entrusted to share the gospel. To view previous messages and for more church information visit our website
Sunday Gathering, Acts 21:31 & 22:30 "Disturbance in Jerusalem Pt.2", 4/30/23
Pastor Benz is sharing from Acts 21:31 & 22:30, “Disturbance in Jerusalem- Pt.2” this morning, message titles . To view his previous messages and for more church information visit our website
Wednesday Gathering, 04/26/23, "Better Love"
Daniel Diaz shares from several books of the Bible in the New Testament, focusing on the love of Jesus for us. To view previous messages and for more church information visit our website