
Sunday Gathering, Topical Message-Loving One Another, 11-29-20

Pastor Bob and pastor Benz co-teach on th a series of teachings this month on faith in Christ. Today the teaching focuses on the scripture that reveals that true faith can not be without a love for God and a love for the church resulting in a sincere ministry to one another among the members of the church. 

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Sunday Gathering, "Having His Vision," John 21, 11-01-20

Pastor Bob at Calvary Chapel Perris Valley was going to teach from the Psalms but felt led of the Lord to teach a special message from John 21.

Following Jesus for 3 years and the resurrection of Jesus the disciples follow Peter who returns to fishing. They lacked vision and so wavered in continuing in the work Jesus intended. Do Christians today grasp the vision of Jesus or are they living as they did before believing in Christ, with no change in their life and no grasping of the vision of Jesus?

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